Saturday, October 14

The Farmer's Calendar


What gives, shorts, t-shirts, and sandles one day; thinsulate the next?

According to the Farmer's Almanac for 2006-7 the Ontario weather is "expected to have near normal winter temperatures with somewhat drier winter conditions". Of course they cover themselves with a backup statement: "This is not to say this area won't be without its cold spells and significant snowfalls...". Gibberish I dare say!

This picture on the left, taken early Friday afternoon, is our backyard with SNOW...An omen for what is to come? The mess below is City TV news coverage of the mess in Fort Erie, cause by this premature disasterous snow storm. Nature's statement correcting the Almanac?

And what can be said of how Fort Erie got hit?

I do hope for one thing this winter - The Farmer's Almanac is wrong in their predition of a "drier" winter.

As newly joined members of the Lambton Outdoor Club, my wife and I are planning to venture upon many cross-country ski trips this season...We want snow and snow that stays, not melts and freezes, but deep white fluffy stuff that remains.

Stay tuned for more on the ski trips, however I bet the story of my recent 50 mile solo canoe trip on the Saugeen River appears here as the weather gets colder. I saved some of my warmer tales for the colder hours.


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