Parking Authority Thieves?
Now what do you do?

Try this on for size...
You see that at this early hour there is nobody around. Hey, there wasn't anyone inside the emergency waiting to be served. This could mean that you won't be very long, as per usual, so why not take a chance and simply park on the street? "Surely we won't be longer than two hours," you say to yourself and park.
While inside the hospital you get the news that it is more serious than you first believed. The doctor is making appointments for blood tests, Xrays, ultra sounds, and who knows what, so now what do you do?
You have two choices:

1. You set the alarm on your watch and run out every one hour and fifty-seven minutes with the coin for the meter, or you move the vehicle to another spot, thus rotating the chalked tires that the Meter Maid drew on almost two hours ago.
2. You stay with your loved one for moral support, as well you do not want to hear what the doctors have to say about the many tests as they are perfomed.
What is wrong with leaving the human taking the cash at the booth in the parking lot, as we have enjoyed for years?
What is wrong with taking those two hour warning signs out. They took out the meters and installed the damn signs.
There is a third choice with the above...charge the Parking Authority with Grand Larceny. But you may just be better off writing your councilperson haha.
Good luck, and as they say at Timmies: "have a nice day eh."
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